Sunday, May 5, 2013


Alliance for Good Governance (AGG)
Statement issued at a Press Briefing on the State of Governance in Zambia at
FODEP House on Sunday 5th May 2013


Fellow countrymen, women and the youth, cooperating partners representatives present, alliance members, civil society representatives, the Church, colleagues from the media, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, let me say all protocols observed, it is our privilege and honour today for us to address you and share with you our deep reflections on the State of Governance in the Zambia since our last contact with some of you nine (9) months ago.

Before we proceed, allow me to state that Alliance for Good Governance (AGG) is composed of: Chikondi Foundation; Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP); Operation Young Vote (OYV); Press Association of Zambia (PAZA); Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU); Zambia Federation for the Disabled (ZAFOD) and 2410 at the moment. We would like to strengthen this alliance by inviting other members who may be willing to defend and promote good governance in Zambia.

Ladies and Gentlemen, AGG has observed with mixed feelings the unfolding events in the country which comprise both good and bad and it is in the light of this that we make this statement.

From the onset, we wish to state that since assuming office, the Patriotic Front (PF) Administration has scored a number of successes and also made mistakes. Among the numerous successes are;
1.        Rebasing of the Kwacha: Government successfully initiated and implemented the rebasing of the local currency the Kwacha. A number of people expected failure of government on this exercise. However we are glad that government managed the process extremely well and would like to commend them.
2.        Passing of the Minimum wage law:  In its effort to put more money in people’s pocket as per campaign promise, the government successfully passed a law spelling out how much lowly paid workers should get in the country. Though its implementation has been surrounded with controversy, the principle and spirit of the law is commendable and appreciated by many Zambian workers.
3.        Waiver on erring Societies and NGOs: the decision by the government through the Ministry of Home Affairs to waive outstanding annual return fees on a number of organisations registered under the Registrar of Societies is highly commendable and appreciated. It is such moves that promote harmony, understanding and collective support to the initiatives of government rather than confrontation and using the “big brother” syndrome to fix perceived opponents of the government as practiced by some people who once occupied the office of the Registrar of Societies not too ago.
4.        Continued allowance of interactive radio and TV discussion programme: This is one positive step that the PF administration has continued to undertake. AGG is greatly happy that government has not tried to restrict people’s right to express themselves on these fora. We would like to encourage government to continue creating even more platforms for people’s participation in the daily administration of national affairs without fear or favour. Sentiments being expressed by various people will greatly benefit the government in its decision making processes. We also want to commend government for issuing out licences to those who applied to run radio and TV stations. This will greatly empower the Zambian people with much yearned for information from various sources.
5.        Creation of over 30 districts and province:  This process alone has created a number of jobs as people have been appointed as district commissioners, council secretaries, etc hence putting more money in people’s pockets. Government just needs to properly coordinate further establishment of these structures of good governance.
6.        Barotseland Impasse: The relative peace prevailing in the province has not just come. Government and authorities in Barotseland worked hard to reduce the misunderstanding around the BA of 1964. We would like to implore government to continue using dialogue as a means of resolving the longstanding misunderstanding on the BA 1964. It is for this reason that AGG condemns any provocative action from any parties to the BA 1964. The recent summoning and cautioning by police in the province of former Ngambela Wanyei Clement Sinyinda should be stopped immediately as it has the potential to dampen the spirit of dialogue among concerned parties.
7.        The Link Zambia 800 and PAVE Zambia: These initiatives if well implemented are extremely excellent. We hope that those put to be in charge to roll out these projects will not let down the initiators and the people of Zambia.

On the other hand, AGG has observed with great concern the unfolding situations and events in the country that seemingly threatens the very tenets of good governance by those in authority. It is our hope that this statement will be a clarion call upon the PF administration that the Zambian people will remain resolute and vigilant against any form of activities that may compromise or threaten the enjoyment of the tenets of good governance by majority Zambians.    AGG’s concern is that if good governance is thrown to the wind, the country should forget about the respect for values and principles that strengthens unity and peace for genuine political, religious, cultural and ethnic growth. It is AGG’s conviction that the unity of our country is sacred and should remain so forever so as to form a solid foundation and bedrock on which each and every successive government anchors on and to continue the journey of peaceful holistic development and political tolerance.

We underscore the fact that since 1991 the people of Zambia have unanimously demonstrated the need to promote and continue embracing Multiparty Democratic political dispensation. It is common knowledge that Zambians on 20th September 2011, voted for the PF and President Michael Chilufya Sata partly as demonstration of growing democracy in the country and also because of numerous promises of hope for many Zambians. This confirms the statement by former US President Ronald Reagan that “democracy is worth dying for because it’s the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man.”  The PF promised Zambians a better country where development would be taken to all parts of the country regardless of political affiliation, where the rights and liberties of all citizens would be fully respected, where justice would reign supreme with all citizens being accorded equal and fair treatment, and where all Zambians would work with Government to lay new foundations (Constitution) that support better systems of governance. The question then is where do we stand as a nation with the above in the close to two years of the PF administration in power?

1.0                 “A better Zambia where development would be taken to all parts of the country”
Ladies and gentlemen, we are alive to the promises made by the PF and its President then to spread development to all parts of Zambia in order to alleviate the suffering and poverty of many people which at that time stood at 68%. The PF Manifesto was also tailored to reflect on the above with special reference to decentralization and job creation. However, we note with great concern contradictory statements from the President that he would only take development to areas where people voted for him. Such statements from the Head of State worry us so much because they disregard the fact that Zambia is a multiparty democracy with many political parties competing for state power and with freedoms and rights of its citizens to freely association and choose their preference without any form of blackmail.  Because of this electorate vote for any person they feel can represent them effectively regardless of whether they are from the ruling party or the opposition. The President, as a father of the nation, should desist from making such statements as they have the potential to vindicate those accusing him and the PF of intent to take the country back into a one party state. The unfortunate part is that these statements done and said by the President and those in PF whenever they are soliciting for votes during by elections which is an electoral blackmail punishable under the electoral laws.  We wish to remind the President that he was elected President of the Republic with the mandate to deliver development to all parts of the country regardless of whether he received votes or not from those areas.  Such statements from the Head of State are capable of dividing the nation on regional, ethnicity or political party lines.

Creation of new district, as started above, the speedy and unprecedented creation of new districts by the President, though good for job creation and consequently bringing government closer to the people, is not followed and supported by any financial resource allocation. The PF administration should have first established and improved the infrastructure in these new districts before publicly announcing their existence. The new districts have also been seemingly created without first considering the current status of the existing districts in terms of infrastructure and the service delivery capacities. Without proper fiscal and physical planning for the already existing (74) districts before embarking on the seemingly unending appetite for the creation of new districts which today stand around 37 in total, will have ghastly consequences on the economy now and in future. We are of the considered opinion that there should be a stop to this uncoordinated creation of new districts which are not backed by any financial budget lines. Our recommendation is that the President should ensure that the Ministry of Local Government and Housing concentrate on gradually building these areas to district statuses and standards while improve delivery service and infrastructure in the already existing districts.

2.0           “Employment Creation and More Money in people’s pockets”
It is quite disappointing that employment creation has been taken so casually and just like “any other business” by the successive administrations including the PF. It is the wish and desire of the Zambian people that Government creates permanent and pensionable jobs as opposed to the casual and temporally ones being sung about now and again. It is extremely sad that there were claims by the PF leadership to have created 50,000 jobs and a fortnight later the number of jobs claimed to have been created soared to 195,000, which sounds miraculous. When those in authority are asked to segment to the nation in which sectors these jobs have been created, they seem to have difficulties. We are well aware that such huge number of jobs, if created would have impacted greatly on the economy and reduced the unemployment rate in the country. We also know that the few jobs (less than 20,000) Obama managed to create since he took over as President of America has greatly impacted on that country’s economy. What about the 195,000 jobs our leaders are claiming to have created here? Much as the kind of approach by the government to employment creation is devastating to the desperate unemployed citizens particularly the young people, the effect is even worse for the PF because Zambian are losing their faith and trust in them at a very quick pace.

3.0           “Civil Society operations under the PF government and the NGO Act”
Under the PF administration, the civil society has not been vibrant and inspirational to the well being of the majority Zambians. AGG was scared and worried at the rate things were moving at the Registrar of Societies last year where the department was used by a party cadre to silence critical NGOs and render them passive. During those dark days of the departments’ operations ways were devised aimed at ensuring that NGOs were passive through the follows:
a.        Pinning NGOs on compliance issues such as not filling statutory annual returns, not getting permission from police to hold meeting, allegations of working against the government, etc
b.        De-legitimise NGOs as agents of foreign interests on account of their funding sources knowing too well that most NGOs are foreign funded. NGOs are accused of advancing issues for political interests
c.        intimidate and create fear through the use of threats of arrests should they disobey government policy e.g. on constitutional public forums
d.       Isolate the NGO leader from the NGO itself and foment discontent. The government and its officials present an activist or vocal NGO leader as the problem and not the NGO. 
Many NGOs become reserved in their statements met to provide checks and balances to the government. A number of vocal civil society organizations’ leaders and personnel have either been appointed to serve on government boards or incorporated in the mainstream government ministries making them speak on governance issues with “water in the mouth.” as confessed by one of the former Board member of the parastatal company. AGG is also concerned with the PF’s move to operationalize the NGO Act before reviewing it as contained in its manifesto is yet another evidence of a failed promise. Many CSOs were elated when government organised an NGO Congress last year and would have done well to respect the resolutions of the Congress which rejected the election of and consequently seconding members to the NGO Board.  It was surprising however that, in total disregard of this fact, government proceeded with the constitution of the so called the NGO Board comprised all government officials only. Then one wonders whether this is an NGO Board or Government Board?  AGG is therefore, wishes to urge the NGO Council which has the mandate from the NGO Congress to continue pushing for the review of the Act before NGOs can start registering under the new Act.  AGG stands shoulder to shoulder with the NGO Council in its fulfillment of the NGO Congress resolutions.
We are however, grateful at the speedy government moved to persuade the cadre from leaving the department as the situation has created cordial working relationship between the department and the various NGOs. This can be evidenced by the recent waiver on erring NGOs to continue operating while they normalize their status with the Registrar’s Office in terms of annual returns and say thumps up to the Ministry of Home Affairs and its able minister Hon. Edgar Lungu. We appeal to the PF administration not again to employ hardcore cadres in such offices because their actions have the potential to undermine the credibility not only of the department but the government as a whole.  NGOs anywhere in a democracy are treated as complementary, supplementary of government efforts and challengers of unfavorable government policies and not enemies. It is from this angle that we call on government to amend the NGOs Act before enforcing it.

4.0           “Local Government/Authorities and Street Vending”
AGG has noted with happiness government’s move to revise the Decentralization Policy hopefully in line with PF manifesto. However, AGG does not believe that creation of districts indiscriminately is the right way to go in the Decentralization process. Our belief was that government would have devolved both fiscal and administrative powers to the already existing councils before new ones are gradually created. Despite the creation of 37 new districts, AGG notes with concern that little is being done to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the operations of the existing local authorities with regards to service provision to the people such as cabbage collection, road infrastructure, water supply etc. AGG strongly believe that local government is not only the first contact between the people and the central government but a point of citizens’ participation in governance. The obtaining inefficiencies and ineffectiveness in local authorities are sending wrong impressions on the central government’s capacity to deliver to its people and urgent measures needs to be devised. The failure by most local authorities to rid of street vending has not only added dirty to already filthy cities and towns but has become health risk and a death trap for the people on the street. The memories of the Luangwa incident are still fresh in our minds where people while vending, were killed after a truck fell on them a few months ago. The sanitary conditions in these streets are extremely pathetic. We call on the local authorities to reciprocate people’s taxes with quality services such as habitable and conducive trading areas, good road networks and drainages and ensure public health. AGG is of the view that the longer it takes to sort out this problem the more poor peoples’ lives are at risk and in danger. Politically, the new government has continued to exercise oppressive tactics on some council wholly managed by opposition political parties by suspending their operations or the councilors. Examples are Livingstone and Mpongwe where the entire council has been suspended for over a year now and three councilors suspended for opposing the ruling MPs respectively. In a Multiparty, there is need for the government to promote harmony and coexistence.

5.0     “Access to Land and PF Cadres”
Access to land in Zambia for the ordinary people continues to be a nightmare. However, cadres, foreigners with money and other people close to the powers that be including traditional leaders have an unlimited access to this precious commodity of which our forefather died for. AGG notes with sadness the continued difficulties the ordinary citizens face in accessing and acquiring land under the PF Government. Those that manage to get any piece of land are more than often harassed by the PF cadres, have their sweated for structures demolished and sometimes pushed out of their pieces of land only to be sold to foreigners and other desperate citizens. On the other hand we see that the PF cadres are allegedly giving to themselves a lot of pieces of land at the expense of other Zambians who did all it took to win the PF an election in 2011. Honestly, how does one explain the alleged acquisition, at one go, of more than 30 plots by one Geoffrey Chuumbwe the PF Lusaka Province Chairperson.  We challenge the Anti-corruption Commission (ACC) to investigate this matter and help the people know the truth. Further we need to find  reasons why cadres have taken over the allocation of plots, a problem which has not just started but has been with us for years now. Is it because of corruption in Local authorities? Is it bureaucracies at the Ministry of Land? What is causing all this countrymen and women?

6.0     “A better Zambia where the rights and liberties of all citizens would fully be respected”
The PF promised to among other things restore the respect for the rights and liberties of all citizens. The government has allowed the existence of community and commercial radio and television stations as a way of allowing people express their opinions and ideas. The PF has gone further to embarking on ensuring that each of the 10 provinces has a Provincial Television Station, this is commendable. Further, the government permitted the registration of Zambia Media Council (ZAMEC) which generated controversies in the previous regime, a signal that it would want to promote free and responsible media which is self-regulatory. The government has continued to promise the enactment of the Access to Information laws and operationalizing the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) Act. AGG would like to appreciate the efforts made by the government in this sector and encourage the government to do more but would like to appeal for the speedy enactment of the Access to Information law.  However, though access to media is guaranteed, coverage of stakeholders has been problematic due self-censorship and continued interference of an invisible hand from the authorities in some cases. We call on government to allow coverage of all stakeholders on public media not only on things positive of government and ugly aspect of opposition political parties, but positives too. Otherwise, government seems to be moving in the right direction on media reforms.

AGG is concerned with the continued restriction of the operations of the opposition political parties in the country where they are now unable to meet their supporters freely without being arrested on allegation of convening an illegal assembly. The recent arrest and detention of NAReP President Elias Chipimo Jr. is one of sad development in the Zambia’s political history. The continued application of the archaic law and reluctant by the government to review this colonial piece of legislation is mind boggling. We call on government to allow opposition leaders to freely convene meetings aimed at interacting with their supporters to avoid a situation where opposition leaders decide to hold meetings outside the country as what happened recently where three opposition leaders have to convene in South Africa to air their grievances on human rights abuses in the country. This piece of law being religiously used now by the police will erode PF’s popularity among the ordinary citizens in the country. The beauty of allowing opposition leaders hold rallies and meetings is that it works to the advantage of the party in powers as issues are raised by them which government can easily attend to. It will be a political suicide for the PF government to continue gagging the freedom of assembly in this country as if the country is under the state of emergency.

However, AGG is grateful to the prompt condemnation of the police action against President Chipimo by Minister of Home Affairs, Hon. Edgar Lungu. Hon. Lungu has exhibited true leadership on this matter and we commend him for that. We would also want to welcome his proposal to establish an Inquiry on those overzealous police officers who arrested and detained Mr. Chipimo on the Copperbelt. Further AGG requests Hon. Lungu to extend the terms of reference of the Inquiry on all brutalities committed by the police against political opponents such as the Livingstone incident and bringing to book the culprits. We feel that the continued harassment of political leaders by police in the name of maintaining law and order is denting PF government big time. 

7.0     “A better Zambia where justice would reign supreme with all citizens being accorded equal and fair treatment”
Dr. Martin Luther King, one of America’s greatest civil rights activists once said, “Law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice and when they fail in this purpose they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of social progress.” This is becoming so true in Zambia that law is becoming dangerously structured dams to an extent that the application of it is done against those who seem to be in bad books with the current regime. The Zambian people are tired of selective justice and want justice that will ensure that all citizens are treated equally and fairly. The allowance of PF party cadres to demonstrate at will at government offices without a permit is a clear indication of selective application of the law especially the same public order Act which is lethally and shamelessly applied against the government opponents.

7.1     “The fight against corruption”
We wish to commend the PF Government for restoring the Abuse of Office clause in our country’s anti-corruption law and its consistence and commitment in words about the fight against corruption in the country and spelling out some of evils caused by such vices. The ACC has also shown some level of effectiveness in fighting corruption in some sectors except politically linked corruption cases where they need presidential consent to prosecute senior government offenders. AGG would like to see government giving ACC enough latitude to investigate and prosecute even politically sacred cases. AGG is saddened to note that PF is slowly becoming a safe haven for those who had allegedly abused public resources in the past and who continue to do so provided such persons remained in good books with higher authorities in government. It appears to us that for one to have his or her “sins” forgiven and receive “the reward”, one has to belong to the Patriotic Front. The continued association with people with cases of corruption in the courts of law is extremely unfortunate and cast doubt on the genuineness of the fight against the vice. The appointment of parliamentarians whose elections have been nullified by the courts of law and just holding on because of an appeal is disturbing to believe in a government that is committed to the fight against and allergic to the vice. We want to see the same presidential speedy clearance for investigation by the ACC on alleged penetrators of corruption in the country especially those in ruling political party corridors.

AGG calls upon Zambians to keenly follow on cases that involve Honorable Steven Masumba, Mr. Gabriel Namulambe and many others who are appearing in court on allegation of malpractices be it electoral, educational or otherwise. We also wonder what is happening to criminal cases on former Kafulafulata MMD Member of Parliament Mr. George Mpombo, former Southern Province Permanent Secretary Edwin Zumbunu among others.  As an Alliance, we have been keenly following the fight against corruption and the perceived interference from the executive arm of government.

8.0     Constitution Building Process
We all remember that the Patriotic Front (PF) promised the Zambian people a new constitution within ninety (90) days of their ascension to power and have continued to promise the people of a people driven constitution.  The Technical Committee drafting the new constitution has so far done a good job. The recently convened National Convention on the Constitution is one clear testimony of the good works the Committee has demonstrated to the people of Zambia and its resolve to be as consultative formally as possible. AGG commends the Technical Committee on Drafting the Zambian Constitution on the work done this far since the release of the First Draft Constitution on 30th April, 2012. The informal and formal consultations, the latter included (District Fora, Provincial, Sector Groups and National Conventions) we very helpful to tap into the peoples’ feeling on a number of issues. 
AGG wishes to note that the PF government had shown initial signs of commitment to engage the Zambian people in coming up with a people-driven Constitution that would support better systems of governance. This commitment has to-date waned especially with uncoordinated policy statements from government ministers and ruling party officials. This is raising serious perceptions among Zambians who feel threatened as to whether this current constitution making process would deliver a people’s constitution. Many people feel  government would like to place an invisible hand on the process of coming up with a new Constitution despite its denial to doing so especially coupled with ruling party’s silence and failure to submit to the technical committee’s views on the first draft constitution.

However, in our quest to independently educate and engage citizens in the constitution making process by other stakeholders, government through Justice Minister is on record as having threatened CSOs engaged in constitution making sensitization activities of arrests for discharging their mandate. This is despite the Technical Committee, through its Chairperson, Mr. Annel Silungwe, did make a call for engagement with Civil society when he said and we quote:
“My committee would like to encourage all citizens to organise themselves to review the draft constitution from the community level through schools, churches, neighborhoods associations, social clubs or any other group, in order to provide comments on the draft...let me mention that, at community level, the discussion fora will be self-organised. At district level, there will be formal consultative fora; and at provincial level, each province will hold a convention.”

We are appalled as Civil Society engaged in the constitution making process to note that the Technical Committee remained mute in the face of these threats of arrests on civil society from the Justice Minister and his ban on any person or organisations to hold public forum on the constitution making except with express permission from the technical committee. We call upon the Technical Committee to give clear directions on this matter by providing guidance on how the nation would come up with a people-driven constitution – free of threats of arrests especially after the final draft constitution is presented to the President. AGG would also like to note with delight at the Technical Committee’s completion of conducting District Fora, Provincial, Sector Groups and National Conventions. AGG would also like to pay tribute to the gallant Zambians as individuals and organisations/institutions and other stakeholders for consistently being part of this mammoth process at different levels. However, the recent statement from the TC that not all resolutions from the National Convention would be incorporated in the final Draft Constitution may have potential to threaten the confidence people have so far in the Committee. Any serious departure from the submission of larger body in the final document will render the document irrelevant and vindicate people’s perception on government’s invisible hand of interference on process. This will also make the resources wasted on the process as thrown into the drain.

The people of Zambia among many other things want the Bill of Rights embedded in the new Constitution of Zambia; they want an electoral system that is transparent, open and that discourages bye-elections, they want total separation of powers. What is the way to go? Government and President Sata in particular must put in place a Referendum Commission almost immediate as powers lie squarely in his hand rather waiting on the Technical Committee. A referendum is a must and should be the only mode for the adoption of the Constitution. We are aware of constitutional provisions of the need for a referendum and the requirement of 50% of eligible voters to participate for the referendum to be successful especially when amending the Bill of Rights. The call is for the Central Statics Office to provide the nation with the number of persons who have attained the voting age of 18 and for the Electoral Commission to now begin registration of eligible voters. As Civil Society, we are preparing ahead of tasks before us for this phase that will see that our fellow citizens are educated on the referendum and on the need to turn up to vote.

9.0     Fuel Increment
The continued rise in commodity prices is regretted and requires urgent solution. It is for this reason that AGG would like to condemn the proposed ZESCO tariff and the recent increase in fuel prices together with their justifications. Any increase in fuel and electricity will flare the essential commodities’ prices which are already beyond reach by many Zambians further. For instance, meal-mealie in some parts of the country is going between KR60 and KR70, Cement is now hovering around KR60 and 65, bread is now at KR5 etc.  Though we appreciate government’s justification on the fuel increase, the same show a lot of double standards hence not convincing. How does government talk of using proceeds from the fuel subsidies for building of schools and hospitals when the same government has bloated its executive to be the largest in southern Africa currently hovering around 70 ministers and deputies? This is unacceptable. We demand that if government wants to increase fuel, let it first reduce the number of ministers and deputies and channel that money to building of schools, hospitals and roads. If this government wants to be very unpopular fast, it should touch the sacred commodities such as food (meal-mealie), electricity and fuel and their exit from power through a ballot is extremely eminent come 2016. Our role is simple, advice and if the advised do not want to listen, they will listen when electorate boot them out.

10.0  Recently held by elections
We are amazed at the numerous holding of unnecessary by-election cause by selfish politicians who cannot survive outside the government corridors. If the PF is not careful, the continued defection of opposition MPs and their consequent appointment to deputy ministerial positions will greatly affect its really supporters’ morale. The recent resignation of one of its staunch supporters to form splinter political parties is clear testimony of the growing discontent among PF supporters. Their silence should not be taken for granted. The PF should learn from how some previous administration were invaded by people from other parties and misdirected these administrations. From the way things look, PF has already fallen prey to political sniffers who just want to benefit at the expense of work and consequently help destroy the government before jumping on to other administration. The apathy, vote buying and other malpractices characterizing by-elections are signal that growing disquiet among the voters. This also threatens our growth of a competitive electoral democracy in the country. Further, AGG calls on the relevant authorities to serious follow the man and woman who were caught with KR 13, 000 and voters and NRCs cards respectively during the Kapiri-Mposhi by-election to establish the motive and the source of such huge sums of money. The culprit should face the consequences of his actions. This will serve as lesson to would be offenders. We would also like to congratulate PF and UPND for winning Kapiri and Lukulu seats respectively.

11.0  Conclusion
After all is written and said, AGG is the view that free and fair elections and civil liberties are necessary conditions for Zambia’s democracy but they are unlikely to be sufficient for a full and consolidated democracy if unaccompanied by transparent and at least minimally efficient government, sufficient political participation and supportive democratic political culture. As Zambians we must realize that it is not easy to build a sturdy democracy because even long established democracies corrode if not nurtured and protected. We end by reminding ourselves of our duty to society and in promoting quality democracy by quoting Aristotle who said, “In a democracy the poor will have more power than the rich, because there are more of them, and the will of the majority is supreme”. Zambia is a land where over 70% of our people are poor. It does not matter whether one belongs to which tribe; political, religion or denomination, what is important is people’s quest to have a better governed Zambia – now and in future. Yesterday, the MMD were in government and today they are in opposition. PF may today be in government and wield so much power against its opponents; tomorrow they will be in the opposition. We call upon all political parties, their members and every Zambian to invest in dialogue and defend what we fought for as a nation and speak for the majority poor. To this end, our conclusion is that the state of governance so far is not injecting hope for the future hence the requirement for its improvement.

God bless you all.

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